Zero Waste Campus At CPCB

Campus at Parivesh Bhawan, the head quarter of Central Pollution Control Board in 2014 which ended in July 2016. The project was envisaged with the following objectives:

  • Awareness Campaign on Integrated Solid Waste Management at CPCB Delhi
  •  Maintain and operate the vermicomposting unit at CPCB
  • Channelize the dry waste for maximum recycling
  • Reduce the quantity of waste reach to the landfill

Under this project a composting plant of approximately 2.5 tons/ month capacity had been installed in 2014 under the guidance and supervision of IPCA. IPCA had deputed one dedicated trained manpower to operate the vermicomposting unit at CPCB. Under this project three vermi beds for composting horticultural waste and one worm culturing bed has been established at CPCB. Windrow composting method has been followed for partial decomposition of horticultural waste followed by final decomposition through Easinea foetida worms.

Activities Accomplished

i. Utilization of the compost: The compost generated through the campus waste was used in CPCB for fertilizing their own garden. It helped to generate awareness amongst the CPCB employees about the concept of waste segregation and reduction. CPCB employees are even using it in their own garden.
ii. Facilitating segregation of waste – Under this project two plastic bins (green colour for organic waste and another blue colored for recyclable waste, each of 60 Ltr. Capacity) and one Tetra Pak bin (60 Ltr. Capacity) were installed on each floor of the CPCB project. Therefore, in total 12 plastic bins (6 green colored and 6 blue colored) and 6 Tetra Pak bins have been installed in CPCB campus for segregating the dry and wet waste.
iii. Awareness campaign –The staff of CPCB were made aware of proper segregation of waste into bio-degradable and non-bi- degradable waste.
iv. Recycling of Dry Waste – IPCA has channelized the process of recycling of segregated dry waste through scrap dealer, who visit the site on daily basis and collect the dry waste for recycling.


  • Empowering the CPCB staff: The project created awareness amongst the staff of CPCB for waste segregation and composting techniques which empowered them to undertake the project themselves, since July 2016 CPCB implements and executes the project.
  • Adoption of waste segregation practices: Complete segregation practices are being followed by each staff in CPCB campus through our segregation campaign.
  • Waste Recycling: 100% recycling of dry waste. Horticulture waste is completely recycled in form of manure, which is being used in campus gardens.
  • Role Model : The intervention has made CPCB campus a role model for zero waste campus.